Well, it’s almost the beginning of summertime, which means that there are rumors-a-plenty about a new iPhone and a new iOS. While Apple has been staying pretty mum about the official details of the iPhone 6, they have let slip some information about iOS 8, and what they’ve let out of the bag sounds pretty good so far, and will hopefully make the iPhone even more user friendly. I’ve heard about lots of the features, such as an updated Siri, better maps, some kind of health app, a separate iTunes radio app, and various others, but one of the new features I’m most excited about has to do with the camera and your credit card.
While it’s incredibly convenient for Keychain to store all of your usernames, passwords, and credit card information, it’s also incredibly cumbersome to type it all into your phone – especially if you use multiple credit cards! Well, the good news is it’s going to be a lot easier with iOS 8. iOS 8 Won't Make You Type Your Credit Card Info
With iOS 8, all we’ll have to do is take a picture of our different cards and the software will automatically fill in your card information for you – and it will also store the information. Sounds pretty convenient, right? (And I’m sure Apple will work out all the security details so your information isn’t just stored for everyone in the world to see). As of right now, it only appears this feature will be embedded into Safari. What do you think? Let us know in the comments section below!

While it’s incredibly convenient for Keychain to store all of your usernames, passwords, and credit card information, it’s also incredibly cumbersome to type it all into your phone – especially if you use multiple credit cards! Well, the good news is it’s going to be a lot easier with iOS 8. iOS 8 Won't Make You Type Your Credit Card Info
With iOS 8, all we’ll have to do is take a picture of our different cards and the software will automatically fill in your card information for you – and it will also store the information. Sounds pretty convenient, right? (And I’m sure Apple will work out all the security details so your information isn’t just stored for everyone in the world to see). As of right now, it only appears this feature will be embedded into Safari. What do you think? Let us know in the comments section below!