Are Smaller Computers Better?

Every time we shift to a new crazy level of nano-meteromification, the chip companies have to battle through a barrage of technical obstacles in design and production, leakage, heat production, power consumption, And when they crack it, they always say "With this new process, we can fit more processing power into a chip!"

Easy to repair?
The number one question people always ask me about smaller computers is, “Are these little devices going to cost me more to repair?” My answer is almost always “yes” because of one simple reason: The smaller components require a bit more finesse to repair, and since they are more integrated

Smaller the better?
Aside from more difficult repair, there are other disadvantages to having a smaller device space:
  •     an overheating risk from confined spaces
  •     a restrained amount of computing power due to smaller components
  •     an increased potential risk of deterioration from dust particles and other contaminants

People tolerate the size of desktop PCs because of the amount of power they wield, but they wouldn’t tolerate similarly-sized variants of devices such as cameras and tablets. This is why people don’t buy 17-inch tablets as often as they buy behemoth desktops with 27-inch monitors.